The bouquet announces its arrival with the freshness of Bergamot, in accord with the juicy expressiveness of Lemon and the pungent character of Saffron.
This is how ideas are concentrated together, the beginning of expectation.
With a sensual, embracing heart, thought is translated into action: Myrrh now starts its dance with Ylang-Ylang against the backdrop of Sacred Wood,
the essence used by Inca shamans in their religious rituals.
The base, heart-rending and of incalculable depth, has the sweetness of Vanilla and the passion of Sandalwood,
a reminder that the true pleasure of expectation is ultimately in the anticipation.
Bergamot, Lemon, Saffron
Palo Santo, Ylang-Ylang, Myrrh
Vanilla, Benzoin, Amber, Sandalwood
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